July 4th family get-togethers are a great time to get everyone outside and active. Here are some fun ideas for kids of all ages. Everyone can join in!
Water Balloon Dodgeball
Break everyone into two equal groups. Players throw the balloons at each other or team up and use a towel as a slingshot to catapult the water balloons at opposing players. If you get hit, you are out of the game. The last person standing is the dodge balloon champ.
Run and Bust ‘em Obstacle Course
Fill large balloons with water and place them at the end of an obstacle course. Have everyone race through the course with the last feat being that they have to pop one of the large water balloons by sitting on it. The race itself can be a traditional obstacle course, a three-legged race or a sack race.
Summer Squirt Tag
The old-school game of tag gets kicked up a notch with squirt tag. One or two players are armed with a spray bottle or a water gun. If you get squirted, you are "it" and take over the sprayer. This is a great game for a hot summer day!
Ice Cube & Spoon Game
Everyone knows about the Easter game where you try to carry an egg on a spoon across the lawn. This Fourth of July, switch things up and trade out the egg for an ice cube. It’s not as easy as you’d think!
Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest
One of the best foods of the summer is watermelon so how ‘bout having a watermelon seed spitting contest! Be sure to have a tape measure on hand so you can accurately measure the distance of the spitted seeds.
Lawn Games
Of course, all the traditional lawn games are fun for a Fourth of July party too. Consider croquet, badminton, bocce, mini golf and more. A volleyball game with beach balls or water balloons is also a fun idea for both adults and children.