Remember using silly Mad Libs books when you where younger? They were great for parties and road trips, and were always sure to lead to big laughs. Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th, is the perfect activity for the day as it is guaranteed to induce hysterical fun! Have one player prompt other family members for words to substitute for the blanks in the story, and when it’s completed, read it aloud for all to hear and enjoy!
My mother is _____________(adjective) because she ______________s (verb) me and always makes me ______________ (verb - emotion). When I’m feeling ______________ (emotion), my mom ______________s (verb) me, and when I feel ______________ (emotion), she ______________s (verb) everything feel ______________ (adjective). On my birthday, my mother ______________s (verb) my favorite meal, ______________ (adjective) ______________ (noun) on a ______________ (noun). My mom always makes sure I ______________ (verb) my homework, ______________ (verb) my teeth, and ______________ (verb) my room. My favorite thing about my mom is her ______________ (noun) because she always ______________ (verb) the ______________ (noun). She has a way of always ______________ing (verb) me feel ______________ (adjective), and that’s why my mother is so ______________ (adjective).