Fall Leaf Luminaries will make a great decoration for your mantel and holiday tables
Here’s what you need:
Beautiful fall leaves that you can collect on a long walk. A variety of shapes and colors would be ideal.
Bell type canning jars or other jars from your recycle bin
Mod Podge - available in craft stores
Foam Brush
White tissue paper
Tea lights or votive candles
After selecting leaves from your yard, arrange them in the design style you would like to place them on your jar.
Apply Mod Podge to your jar by sticking your hand inside the jar to hold it up and using the foam brush to apply the adhesive. Keep the Mod Podge below the threads of the jar. Note: Mod Podge will go on white and dries clear.
Tear or cut your tissue paper into strips and apply them, one by one, onto the jar. For a clean finish, cut a circle or square of tissue paper and apply it to the bottom of your jar, then wrap strips around the bottom edge for complete coverage.
Reapply Mod Podge to the bottom and sides of the jar, covering all of the tissue paper. This will protect the paper.
Apply Mod Podge to the underside of the leaves and carefully arrange them onto the jar, as you designed them in step 1. Try not to overlap them too much, but a little bit is just fine. Smooth out any air bubbles by gently rubbing the leaves from the center out to the edges.
Carefully apply Mod Podge on top of the leaves, making sure that you have complete coverage. Place your jar upside down and allow your creation to dry.
Your beautiful decoration and centerpiece is completed! Once you put your tea lights or votives inside the jar and you see them lit up you’ll really appreciate the lovely, custom-made contribution you’ve created for your holiday gathering.