A word about stereotypes:
Studies show that in elementary school, just as many girls are excited about and have an interest in science as boys. By the eighth grade, however, boys are twice as likely to be interested in science, math and technology. As a parent there are many ways you can continue to support your daughter's love of science. Encourage her to watch science related shows on television, learn about nature and the world around her and to tinker with computers. Find out what interests her and explore those areas. Introduce your sons and daughters to female doctors, veterinarians, engineers and other scientists. Perhaps invite these women to be a speaker at school, in your child’s Scout troop or other group and lead a fun activity. Make sure to carefully listen when your daughter asks questions and if you don’t know the answer, make that an opportunity for both of you to investigate, explore and learn.
Science is for everyone! We use it every day. Look for family opportunities to explore, question, research, play and discover. You’ll be enhancing your children’s education and giving them a scientific curiosity that will benefit them for a lifetime.