Hello Friends,
After graduating from school and becoming a young adult, you probably continued your learning by delving into areas that were of particular interest to you. Fortunately, all of life can be viewed as "continuing education" since we can, and often do, continue to discover new facets of the world around. While you don't have to be explicit about your plans for your children this summer, you can be intentional about keeping the learning going. We have some great ideas about this in our feature article for July, "Using Cooking To Teach Math and Science."
To give you some very specific ingredients, directions, and inspiration for family cooking (and math and science) time, we have tasty suggestions in our bonus article for this month: "You Can Do It: Recipes!" Enjoy!
Whatever your educational needs, Foundation for Learning is ready to assist you with caring, one-on-one, individualized tutoring, and ISEE/SSAT test prep.
Don't hesitate to give us a call at 973-425-1774 or send an email to betty.foundationforlearning@gmail.com for a free consultation.
Best regards,